Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling

Confused as you weigh the pros and cons of homeschooling?
Whether you're looking to homeschool for the first time, or you're a veteran wondering if you should continue, we're here to help you!
Advantage of Homeschooling
Homeschooling Benefits - There's no better place to learn the benefits of homeschooling than from another Mom or Dad!
I asked a group of homeschooling parents their opinion on the advantages of homeschooling. Boy, did I get some awesome feedback.
What Are YOUR Reasons for Homeschooling? - Here's your chance to tell others why you chose to homeschool, and see what others had to say.
Disadvantages of Homeschooling
Cons of Homeschooling - That same group of parents has enough experience to tell you that there are some negative effects of homeschooling, too. Sit back and relish their honesty!
5 Reasons Not To Homeschool - This is where I expand a little on such topics as budgeting and sports.
Homeschooling vs Public Schooling
Homeschooling vs Public Education - Trying to decide between home and public school? First ask yourself these three important questions.
How to Home School - Learn how to utilize the best of both worlds using the public school system while homeschooling!
Homeschool Socialization - What about socialization, peer pressure, and family values? These three hot topics are discussed in detail here. This is the place to share your socialization experiences.
Live in Wisconsin? Check out the Wisconsin Homeschooling page.
Still Unsure? This article What You Need to Know about Homeschooling may help...Rebecca interviewed others and me.
Why Do YOU Homeschool?
Are you already homeschooling? Have you made the transition from the public school system? If so, we'd love for you to share Why!
If your comment relates to homeschool socialization, please use this form.
Other Visitors' Reasons...
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
One on One Not rated yet
I believe one on one with my son will show huge improvements in education. He has done well in the public school, now going into the 5th grade he is struggling …
I can control my child's environment Not rated yet
I have never sent my child to school. Other children do not seem as smart as my daughter and I don't want her to have to dumb herself down. I can control …
My Sons Changed Not rated yet
My sons changed when I put them into the public high school. They were very innocent and changed for the worse. Every other word in the public high school …
I'm a Control Freak! Not rated yet
Diane here...I recently had a submission from a parent who took their daughter out of the public school because she was being bullied . However, the …
The right help I deserve Not rated yet
I homeschool because I have trouble understanding the information in a class setting. I went to public school until 6th grade. In class I would get A's …
Great Opportunity Not rated yet
Homeschooling is a great opportunity for true learning because of what it provides. I am not going to cover each and every great thing about home education …
I Homeschool Because Not rated yet
I homeschool because I love my children and am absolutely determined to provide them the very best I am physically, spiritually, and emotionally able. …
From Another Country Not rated yet
My husband is from another country and we want our children to be able to speak and read in his languages (he grew up speaking 2) and to know the history …
Asynchronous Development Not rated yet
My child is not on the same grade level in every subject. It is wonderful to allow her to pursue classes that are of interest to her, on whatever grade …
Field Trips Not rated yet
I remember when I was in school and my teacher would always tell us that she was trying to get it okayed that we go on field trips. But, then it seemed …
School Bus Not rated yet
Another pro I thought about is that you don't have to worry about your child riding the school bus. I have heard so many horror stories that I decided …
Kids Won't Get Sick! Not rated yet
A pro I was thinking about today is that homeschooled kids won't get sick! You don't have to worry too much about your kids getting sick all the time …
My Own Experiences Not rated yet
There are many reasons, these are some of my own experiences, not in any particular order of importance:
Why I Dislike Public Schools
- Negative …
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