Best Homeschooling Curriculum
For Grades 6 - 8
It took me a few years, but I think I finally came up with the best homeschooling curriculum. Not that I'm a fantastic teacher, but because we've tried a few homeschool curriculums and discovered what works and what doesn't.
I am not one to make my children do tedious worksheets or memorize boring historical dates. The key, I feel, is to make sure they learn the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic in their early years. Here are some preschool home school ideas to make middle school and high school learning become almost second nature.
Homeschool Curriculums
Our learning style involved a lot of reading. Because the children loved to read, it made teaching very easy for Mom. Mind you, I must give credit where credit is due...the children themselves. They studied and read a lot because they had a desire to learn. Not because I crammed it down their throats.
Laura in the backyard hammock.
Remember, we allowed them to read early on and they discovered for themselves just how much information a good book could hold!
You may notice a few subtle differences between the three grades. For a detailed description of our best homeschooling curriculum, click here:
For 6th Grade
For 7th Grade
For 8th Grade
We used one Math book for Grades 6 and 7 and had them learn every day math skills (like calculating interest on mortgages and investments or figuring taxes) in Grade 8. We continued with Flash Cards until they could do 50 cards in a minute. Laura's friend, Josh, has kindly reviewed Saxon Homeschool math. He shares just how he's excelled in college thanks to having taken Saxon Math in high school.
Social Studies was learned by reading wonderful classics and just plain good literature. Sonlight
is the best homeschooling curriculum in my humble opinion. Their books prompted the children to make a number of
home school book lists.
Besides Sonlight, we found another Language Arts program that even taught them how to diagram sentences. I had learned how to diagram back in 6th grade and felt it was extremely useful, still use it today! Can you tell?! Science was also covered in Sonlight's
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