Money Saving Expert
Homeschool Mom
Practical Money Saving Tips
Meet Marley, the homeschool money saving expert! And I truly mean that.
Let me explain.
Marley came to me, just like you, as a visitor to our homeschool site. She was a stay-at-home mom, troubled at the thought of putting her (then) 3 year old daughter in preschool (and later public school).
Long story short, we became good friends and one day she asked about putting money saving tips on the site. I thought it was a great idea! For years, she had been putting her money saving skills to work; skills that she learned from the internet, books, friends...wherever she could find them. This long-time experience of how to save money fast will benefit you, too, as she is excited about sharing all she has learned.
Enjoy, as she shares her practical money saving tips with us. Thanks, Marley!
What money saving expert tips do you have for us? Share below!
Money Saving Expert Tips from Marley
Saving Money with Coupons - It's really easier than you think!
Saving Money on Groceries - More money saving ideas from soup to fishing!
Save on Foods - How does your garden grow?!
Save Money on Groceries - A random list of practical money saving tips...
Save Money on Utility Bills - Ideas to conserve water.
How to Save Electricity - Ways to save on your electric bill, including heating and air conditioning.
Save Money on Bills - Tips for saving on a variety of expenses including your phone, insurance, and yes, the garbage!
Homemade Cleaning Products - Make your own cleaning products and save!
Cheap Home Improvements - Save on remodeling and purchasing furniture.
Cheap Clothes - Finding bargains on cheap clothes and toys.
Save on Crafts - Tips for saving on crafts, books, and school supplies.
Kids Indoor Activities - Locating cheap and fun places to go indoors.
Fun Activities for Kids - A list of free things to do with your children.
Money Saving Travel Tips - Great ideas for saving money on vacations!
Birthday Money Saving Techniques - Saving money on everyone's special day!
Date Night Saving Money Tips - Ways for saving money on a date with your spouse!
Kids Sports Activities - If your child wants to be in sports, check out these lists first.
Save Money on Babies - Wonderful ideas for saving on your newborn!
Pet Tips on Saving Money - Tips on saving money on your pet.
Save Money on Your Car - Practical money saving tips for your car.
How to Save for Retirement - There's no better time than now to start saving for your retirement years!
What Practical
Money Saving Tips Do You Have?
Without even thinking, you most likely go through your day typically doing routine things that actually save your family money! Look back on your day/week/month and share with us your favorite money saving idea. We'd all like to know how to save, too!
Other Visitors' Money Saving Tips!
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