Tried and True

by Pamela Thorson

Read why Pamela's daughter continues a second generation, tried and true, family tradition with ABeka:

I homeschooled our five children all through their schooling years. We tried different kinds of curriculum, but settled on ABeka.

Yes, it's hard work.
Yes, there's a lot of busy work.
Yes, it works.

I can tell you that my children, all now grown, learned well with ABeka's curriculum. I tailored it to fit our needs, supplemented it when necessary, and tried to cut out the busy work when possible.

No system is perfect. But I can tell you from experience that ABeka's system has carefully integrated principles in such a way that learning is systematic and reasonable. For example, children learn to count by fives at the same time that they learn what a nickel is and how to tell time (which incorporates the counting by fives.) Words from their readers, literature, science, and history become spelling words. Children learn much easier and are less confused when the material is presented in a systematic way. Believe me on this.

No, ABeka isn't perfect. But it's good. Our eldest daughter is just completing her sixth year of homeschooling their daughters with ABeka materials. She has done as I did, tailoring and supplementing it to fit her school needs. ABeka is a family tradition now!

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