Touch Math

by Melissa

I love Touch Math because it is so multisensory. It is very easy to teach and covers each grade level in depth.

I have two children on the Autism Spectrum and it is the only program that reaches them. My daughter started adding three digit numbers only in one day of instruction.

It is also, I think, a great program for all children, not just those with special learning needs.

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by: Tammy

I started this program to help my autistic son with his math, which it did. As I went through the program with him his little sister was also paying attention and soon I had to get her a workbook, too. At 5 YEARS OLD she could multiply and divide! And I don't mean just memorize the times tables, she was understanding and able to use them. We were watching a show about wild cats and she said, "Mom, it said they can jump over 25 feet, and you're about 5 feet right? So that cat can jump over 5 of you!" It's absolutely amazing.

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