Saving Money Tips
On Date Night! Saving money tips for date night with your spouse!
I know many couples try to spend quality time alone together a couple of times a month. Sometimes I find it hard to find time in our busy schedules to set aside time to do things together, just the two of us. And to be honest I love doing things more as a family, than just as a couple. But, it is also important to set aside time for just the two of you in every relationship to keep it healthy. You don't have to spend a lot of money, just some quality time together.
After the kids go to bed, have a candlelit dinner at home. Trade free babysitting. Babysit for your friends for free and have them do the same for you. Rent a movie. Go to a national park and admire the scenery. Take a long walk together. Sit outside and look up at the stars. Go to a beach and find seashells. Play a game or cards. Go ice skating. Pull out your wedding album and look at all your pictures. Read together. Cook together. Take a free class together. Go for a bike ride together. Build a campfire and roast marshmallows. Have a picnic. Write a list together of all the things you want to do. Go to a free concert. Sit by the water somewhere and just talk.Write each other a love letter.Make a pizza together.Go for a hike together. Make one another breakfast in bed. Do a project together.
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