Save Money on Babies
Practical Money Saving Tips
Here are some ways to save money on babies in your homeschool family! Babies are wonderful blessings. But, they are also very expensive. Here are some easy tips on saving hundreds of dollars when shopping for your new baby! Please share your ideas on our money saving expert page! Riley (when she was first born) How to Save Money on Babies- Hand down the hand-me-downs! If you plan on having more babies, save all your baby stuff and clothes. Then when it comes time to having your next child, you will have almost everything that you need and will have to buy very little. Or ask around to friends and family! Someone will be more than happy to get rid of things to you.
- Buy used to save money on babies. Baby stuff is also one of those things that drops greatly after being used. You can buy a pack of Onesies at the store for $10.00 or you can buy one Onesie at a garage sale for 10 cents. Make sure that when buying a used car seat, it has not expired. (It will be written on the bottom of each car seat.) And make sure it hasn't been in any accidents.
- You don't have to buy everything. Talk to moms of new babies and ask them what they really needed and what they didn't. When my daughter was a baby, I literately bought everything on the market. And I probably only used half of it.
- Cloth diapers will save you thousands of dollars in your diaper days as long as you wash them in your wash machine yourself. Plus they have adorable covers. They even have diapers out there that are just like disposable. Not only are they good on your wallet, they are great on the environment and more healthy for your baby.
- Breastfeed to save money on babies. You can easily spend hundreds of dollars a week on formula. My friend fed formula and she said she spent 100-150 dollars a week on formula alone. That's about $6,500 dollars a year!
- Puree your own baby food. Not only is it healthier for them, but you know the exact ingredients that are in it. It is also easy on your wallet.
- Make your own wipes. Use flannel and water, baby oil, and baby wash. Or for a more disposable, I found a recipe online using a roll of bounty paper towels and water, baby oil and baby wash.
- Have a baby shower. Your friends and family will be so happy to give gifts to you and the new little one. And relatives you haven't seen in a while will be so happy to see your baby belly. Not only is a great way to get most of the the things you need, it's a great way to celebrate this wonderful blessing. It's a great way for new parents to save money on babies!
- From personal experience, pacifiers are unnecessary. I promise. Not only are they expensive, they're a hassle when you lose it and if it's the only way they know how to soothe themselves. It's even more of a hassle when it comes time to getting rid of it for good.
When I was pregnant I loved shopping for my new baby. Like I said I literally bought everything on the market. Now I had this strange love for pacifiers. I bought at least 25 of them. Not even kidding. I bought ones to match the room décor, ones that were all sparkly, I bought ones that had our favorite football team (GO PACKERS), Daddy's Girl ones, and I Love Mommy ones, pink ones, and ones that were good for their teeth (supposedly), and ones with flowers on them. I even ordered one that had her name on it. I was obsessed with buying them. I can't explain why. I have no idea. I bought a pacifier sanitizer. Oh and don't get me started on the pacifier holders. I bought ones to match her room, her car seat and her stroller. One time I was at a jewelry store and yes I bought her a gold pacifier holder with her birthstone on it. So, when my baby was born, I put one of the cutest pacifiers I bought into her mouth. Right away she spit it out. I put it back in. She spit it out. Remember I was a new mom, so I asked the nurse why she kept spitting it out almost instantly. The nurse said, “They have to teach themselves to use a pacifier. Give it time and she will learn.” When I got home from the hospital. I tried it again. She spit it out again instantly. Then I thought to myself why should I teach my child to learn how to use a pacifier. When in the long run it will be hard to get rid of and could be bad for her teeth. So, I gave all the unused pacifiers away, the pacifier sanitizer, and all the pacifier holders. Except for the one I bought at a jewelery store. It was far to expensive and a little sentimental. My daughter never needed a pacifier to soothe herself. I never had to go through the stress of losing it or getting rid of it. And my daughter grew up perfectly fine. I will never buy another pacifier again. I look back and think what a waste of money! Some mom's think it's the only way a newborn knows how to soothe themselves or that without it a newborn will cry all the time. The only time a newborn cries for a pacifier is because it's used to having it. If you never teach it to use it, she or he will never know what it's missing and will figure out other ways to soothe themselves. My daughter did not cry all the time. In fact I was very blessed at what an easy baby Riley was.
Enjoy your little one as you save money on babies!

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