My Friend Garrett
Aaron wrote the paper My Friend Garrett for a class he attends at school. We were so tickled with it that we could not resist putting it on the site for you to see, especially since he got an A on it! It's a fun read...

Aaron, Ben (Aaron's brother), and Garrett
Three great friends just hanging out here at home.
My Friend Garrett
by Aaron
Of the many friends I have there is only one that stands out above the rest; his name is Garrett. We do just about everything together from chilling out at the camp fire to racing down a hill on snow boards. In fact, it is hard to think of what we do not do together. He is by far my best friend and an all around fun guy to hang out with.
Ever since we first met, Garrett and I have done everything we could together. One of these things would be sports. We especially enjoy baseball games. In the summer, attending Brewer games is a must. We go to at least two games a year. Timber Rattler games are also a lot of fun. During the school year we go to watch our own North Fond du Lac Orioles play basketball and football. However, sports aren’t the only activities Garrett and I do together. We travel everywhere together too. We’ve gone to Eagle River with my family, to many different movies, to the Kalahari, and to a Creation Museum in Kentucky. If a friend is willing to travel with me all the way to Kentucky then that friend is probably a true friend.
Early in our friendship I found that Garrett was a very athletic person. One of his favorite things to do is to simply ride his bike. He does it almost everyday. These bike rides usually are ridden in Fond du Lac or Oakfield. Another favorite is swimming in the summer. He goes to the Fond du Lac fairground pool, Taylor Park, and to a couple different lakes in the northern part of Wisconsin. I find this activity to be extremely fun as well. Inline skating is also a must in Garrett’s life. He enjoys it so much he gets up at seven in the morning to do it. Garrett also enjoys working out in his spare time. However, out of everything that Garrett loves to do, football is his favorite. He watches the games on TV and he plays it all the time. I’m not sure if he could live without football. He loves it that much.
Sports and athleticism are not everything in Garrett’s life. Like all thirteen year old boys he enjoys being lazy and playing video games. Before my friend Garrett and I met, however, he had never played video games. My brother and I introduced him to video games. At the time all we had was a Playstation 2, but now we enjoy the Wii game system and the Playstation 3. Though my brother and I had played video games prior to our first meeting, Garrett did discover some really good video games before I did. Such games would be Age of Empires and Age of Mythology. Video games changed his life and, in my opinion, for the better.
Having fun with Garrett’s family is also a big part of our friendship. Whenever my brother and I go to Garrett’s house we always have a great time. His family always grills out with burgers, brats, hot dogs, or chicken. Recreational activity is also a must when my brother and I go to Garrett’s house. We usually play sports like volleyball or kickball. What makes these sports fun is that everyone plays. If Garrett’s entire family is involved then there can be a lot of people playing. This is because his family consists of his dad, his mom, and his three sisters. Their names are Laura, Emily, and Annette. Out of all of these family members the one my brother and I get along with most is Garrett’s dad. He is a whole lot of fun. He takes us on bike rides, for four wheeler rides, and out for ice cream. Basketball games are also a must at his house. His grandparents are also very nice. They have allowed us and have invited us to come up to their cottage and enjoy a day there and even spent the night. Overall, my friend Garrett has a very nice, fun family.
Friends like Garrett may come around once or twice in a lifetime. I consider myself lucky to have a friend like him. He truly is a friendly, courteous, and considerate person. He is a great guy and is one of my greatest friends.
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