My 11 yos

by Michelle
(Kingston Springs, TN)

It seems that it took me forever to get my 11 yos to read a book without pictures. I sort of bribed him. I told him he had to read two novels without pictures and I would get him his Ripstick. My husband suggested Summer of the Monkeys. My son absolutely loved the book. He would give us a play by play of it. There is also a movie too, but he has not seen that yet, but now he wants to.

He has also read a book called Darkside, and he just finished Ever.

I am so proud of him for reading these novels.

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Summer of the Monkeys- Movie
by: Tamma DeHart

We read Summer of the Monkeys and laughed so much imagining it all. My son then wanted to view the movie and what a disappointment. Will be interested in what you think.

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