Multivitamin Side Effects
Of Synthetic Vitamins

Below is one of the best nutrition health articles I found that exposes the multivitamin side effects of synthetic vitamins. These could actually make your homeschool family sick! The Best Food Form Vitamin/Mineral supplements I have found yet. Medical Research Shows Synthetic Vitamins Can: Increase Cancer Risks and Seriously Damage Your Health Research done by Dr. Agnes Faye Morgan (University of California) reported that taking synthetic vitamins is worse than starvation. Animals fed synthetic vitamins had toxic reactions or died quickly of degenerative diseases compared to those fed whole foods. She reported in Science that animals on a synthetic vitamin enriched diet died long before the animals on an unprocessed diet. She stated that the enrichment of processed foods with synthetic vitamins may "precipitate conditions worse than the original deficiency." Other animal studies reveal untimely deaths, sterility, and serious health deficits with the use of synthetic nutritional supplements versus once-living source whole foods in animal feeds (Scandinavian Veterinary; Journal of Natural Agriculture). ____________________________________________________ Many Studies Show No Health Benefits From Synthetic Vitamins A Harvard study of 22,000 physicians reported no health benefits from synthetic vitamins. A 1994 study in the New England Journal of Medicine on elderly Americans, designed to improve muscle weakness and physical frailty, demonstrated no benefits whatsoever. In a study, published in the 1945 American Journal of Digestive Diseases, Vitamin E-deficient laboratory animals that were fed synthetic tocopherols died before the control group that did not receive any nutritional supplements at all. Researchers at Dartmouth Medical School ran a four-year study to see if antioxidant nutritional supplements could prevent the recurrence of adenomas of the colon after surgical removal in 864 patients. After four years of giving 25 mg of beta-carotene, 1000 mg of ascorbic acid, and 400 mg of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E), all in synthetic forms, there were no positive effects noted and the researchers concluded that: "Current data do not support the use of antioxidant (synthetic) vitamin supplements for purposes of cancer prevention." (July 22, 1994 New England Journal of Medicine). ________________________________________________ Medical Research Shows Synthetic Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements Can Increase Cancer Risk In a Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center study, 18,000 American men and women at risk of lung cancer took either a placebo or supplements of synthetic vitamin A. The researchers, led by Dr. Gilbert Omen, stopped the study in January, 1996, because the group on nutritional supplements had a 28% higher incidence of lung cancer. Regarding these troublesome findings, Dr. Susan Taylor Mayne of Yale University told New Scientist "I'm concerned about all of these nutrients that people go out and take in massive doses. These nutrients have adverse effects." She was, of course, talking about the multivitamin side effects caused by what's in synthetic vitamins. Other studies show that synthetic beta carotene can block antioxidant activity and the anti-cancer activity of antioxidants (carotenoids) in the diet. A study of 29,000 Finnish smokers proved that synthetic vitamins increased death rates significantly enough to stop a 10-year study prematurely. To the researchers' horror the risk of cancer increased by 16% and there were more heart attacks, more strokes, and an 8% higher increase in the overall death rate of those smokers taking the synthetic nutritional supplements. _____________________________________ New England Journal of Medicine Reported Major Health Problems With Synthetic Vitamin A A New England Journal of Medicine (Nov, 1995) study at Boston University School of Medicine found that synthetic vitamin A given to pregnant women, in medium to high doses, increased the risk of birth defects by 240% at the lower dosage and 400% at the higher dosage. Serious genetic damage that caused cleft lip, cleft palette, heart malformations, and nervous system damage were linked to synthetic vitamins. This comprehensive study of 22,748 women over a period of four years reported that there was no birth defect risk noted from foods containing Vitamin A. I hope this article helped you to understand the multivitamin side effects of synthetic vitamins. I found a company I can trust. Order the best food form vitamin/mineral supplements here.
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