Money Games For Kids
Math Games For Kids
Games were a natural part of our homeschool day; money games for kids rounded out their education.
Playing games around the kitchen table or on the floor of your living room is an excellent way for math skills to stick. Following are the games we found to be very helpful. From making change to investing, teaching could not be easier than just playing fun math games for kids!
Let's Go Shopping
To sharpen the children’s math skills, I picked up “Let’s Go Shopping”, one of our favorites. It comes with four game boards and 100 problem-solving cards (25 for each board).
The children work off the cards, figuring out the question. All items are priced on the game boards. It really did turn them into wiser shoppers!
Here is a sample “Burger Village” question: Carrisa stops at Burger Village and orders a chocolate sundae. She gives the clerk $5.00. What is her change?
(I taught our children to “count up” to make change. It’s so much easier, just start with purchase price counting up to the amount given. For example, if an item cost $4.69 count to 4.70, then 4.75, then 5.00. .01 + .05 + .25 = .31).
Here is a more difficult sample question from the “Pet Store”: Dog cookies are $1.50 a box, or ten boxes for $15.50. Is your price per box cheaper when you buy one box at a time, or when you buy ten boxes at a time? What is the difference in price?
Games definitely make math more fun than doing figures from a workbook!
Monopoly Junior/Monopoly
These are classic money games for kids. You can start your young ones out with the junior version. The object of both is to be the player left with the most cash.
LifeThis is another family classic in which the player with the most money wins.
CashflowThis game was created by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. If you feel you’re in the Rat Race of life, you will find this game encouraging.
What I liked best about this game is that everyone is required to maintain an accurate Income Statement/Balance Sheet. That involves purchasing assets and paying off loans. It can also be placed in the kids stock market game category as it touches on investing in the stock market.

Once your Passive Income is greater than your Total Expenses, you can move into the Fast Track. After you play it a few times, you will discover that it is actually more than just another one of those money games for kids. It is very educational and thankfully came with detailed instructions and helpful tapes.
Be sure you add money/math games to your closet of educational treasures!
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