Marley and Me

by Jenifer De La Garza
(Albuquerque, NM)

Just shared "Marley and Me" by John Grogan with my 13 year old daughter. We knew the movie was coming out and we never judge a book by its movie so we decided to read it together and loved it. Very heartwarming story about a man and his family but mostly about his dog! We laughed hysterically one minute and then cried the next. I definitely recommend this book for mature teens and dog lovers for sure. It has a few adult situations that may not be appropriate for the younger ones.

Reply by Diane:

Thanks, Jenifer! My girls are such dog lovers, that I can't believe we have not read this one yet. Sounds like it would also be a good book to listen to on tape while traveling.

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by: Marley

Actually, a few years back the only reason this book caught my eye is because my name is Marley and it was on the cover of a book. LOL But, after reading a few pages in the store I decided to buy it. I never laughed so hard and cried so hard throughout one book. While I was crying my husband looked at me bawling my eyes out over a book about dog. And he said, "Honey, it's not your dog. Why are you crying so hard." GREAT BOOK! Later I ended up buying the movie. It didn't in my opinion live up to the book whatsoever. I know a lot of people who haven't read the book, but love the movie. I'm not really a big fan of the movie. Yeah it was okay, but it didn't even come close to the book.

Went to the movie
by: Sandy

Funny you mentioned you don't judge a book by its movie. We went to the movie and haven't read the book yet! lol We thought it was good, now we look forward to reading it! (We just so happen to have a Yellow Lab and love him to death.)

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