How to Save Electricity
Practical Money Saving Tips
Use these great ideas on how to save electricity. Electric Bill
- Replace all your light bulbs with efficient light bulbs. The first time I bought these I didn't think they would really do much to my electric bill. But, the bulbs themselves, literally cut my electric bill in half.
- Turn the lights off when you're not in the room.
- Don't over fill your dryer and make sure you clean your lint filter. A dirty over filled dryer has to work so much harder.
- Better yet, when it's nice out hang your clothes on the line!
- Unplug electronics when you're not using them, such as the TV, and the computer.
- Install a newer water heater or a tank-less water heater. Old water heaters are a huge money pit.
- Don't leave your bathroom fan on for longer then an hour.
- Install a solar panel on your roof.
- Every time you buy a new appliance, make it an energy efficient one.
Heating and Air Conditioning - Clean your furnace filter at least once a month.
- Try and keep your thermostat at 66 degrees F in the winter.
- Install an electronic thermostat.
- Think about investing in a wood burning fireplace or stove. They may cost more in the beginning but it will save lots of money in the long run.
- Insulate your attics.
- Put plastic on your windows.
- Use fans instead of air conditioning.
- If you want to use your air conditioner keep it running. It costs more to turn it off, and turn it on, and turn it off over and over again than it does to just keep it running.
- Set the air conditioner temperature at 68-72 degrees F.
- Plant trees! In the summer they cool the house with their shade. In the winter the leaves fall allowing the sun to warm the house.
- In the summer keep the shades closed and in the winter open them to let the sunlight in.
- Invest in a Dryer vent heat keeper. They only cost about $5.00-$10.00. You hook it up to your dryer vent and every time you run your dryer, the hot air blows into your house rather than outside. It's money saved in your pocket!
- Burn candles. Make sure you keep them out of your child's reach. Teach your child fire safety. Just by putting a few candles throughout your house, you can increase the temperature without running your furnace.
- Seal all drafts.
A fellow homeschool mom,
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