6th Grade Home Schooling
Middle School

Time waits for no one. Before you know it, you will be home schooling middle school! Feel free to peek at what we did for our 7th and 8th grade homeschool curriculums.

You will notice that much of what we did carried on into the next year. That's because when I finally found what we liked (and what worked!) we stuck with it. And why not, right?

Continue with your read-aloud program. Just because your child is entering "middle school" does not mean that you should stop reading aloud to them. Goodness, I read to my high school students! They like it because it allows them to do a hands-on project at the same time.

Middle School Homeschool Curriculum

  • Math

    Ruth Beechick's 3 R Series laid down a wonderful foundation during the grade school years. In middle school it became necessary for the children to have their own workbooks for math. We used Math-U-See's Advanced text in 6th and 7th grade. It takes a couple of years to complete that workbook, saving money. We all liked that! I strongly recommend you purchase the video and manipulative blocks to go along with the books.

    I always looked forward to Flash Card Friday. That was the day each of the children raced against the clock to see how many cards they could get correct in a minute. We had a box for each: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Because I had them graph their progress, they were able to see improvement each week. They also had to calculate their average score.

  • Reading/Social Studies

    This was the year we used Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere curriculum. It focuses more on cultures than history. This is the year Laura got interested in the economy by reading Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? It's a great book that had I heeded its recommendations, we would have more in our retirement accounts right now!

  • Writing

    I must be honest here. Some years we stuck strictly to using Ruth Beechick's books and Sonlight's Language Arts programs. Other years we used Learning Language Arts Through Literature Tan Book. This year we decided to use their Tan Book.

  • Science and Health

    Again, Sonlight does an excellent job of suggesting excellent material for teaching, learning, and just having fun. We also gave ScienceWise a try. It was okay. The most popular books by far were the Usborne books.

  • The Extra Stuff

    Here is a list of some of our favorites:

    Building Thinking Skills - These books enhanced your critical thinking skill with shapes and word games.

    Draw Today and Draw Squad - These taught you how to make charcoal and 3D drawings, respectively.

    Wordly Wise - These books were made to increase your vocabulary and test your reading comprehension.

Home schooling middle school can be very rewarding, given the right tools. I hope our experience gets you off to a great start. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our homeschool curriculums.

7th Grade
8th Grade
High School

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