Free Home School Stuff
Free Homeschool Material
Looking for some free home school stuff? This page is a work in progress. Every time I run across homeschool freebies, I will put them here. Check back often as I find more nuggets.
1. Staying home on Dad's income alone can be a penny pincher! Learn how moms who work from home are building a real business on the Internet. This is a very informative guide. Best of all, it's FREE! Only 64 pages--a quick read when you click on the Solo Build It! banner below:
2. Free Diagnostic Test downloads for ages 5-15. In all, 28 prescriptive diagnostic tests and answer keys pinpoint the holes in a student's math foundation. The free test analyzer creates a customized lesson plan individualized for each student based on the test results. Tests are multi-sensorial and effectively catch misunderstandings or knowledge gaps.
3. FuseFly is a free, online social networking site enabling you and your child to interact with other homeschoolers. It's a great tool for connecting with other like-minded individuals. They have well over 7,000 users already. Check it out!
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