
Can you please tell me what the cost is for homeschooling? Thank You.

Diane's Reply:

Because of the wide variety of styles and curricula (overwhelming actually!), the cost of homeschooling varies. Depending on the state/country you live in, will also determine the avenue you must take. But basically there are 3 approaches to homeschooling:

1. A Purchased Curriculum - These guide you through the whole learning process from telling you what the child needs to learn, to grading it for you. They're very similar to the public and private school teaching styles. Accredited Home School Programs are very structured and thorough. They can also be a little pricey.

2. Unschooling - Rather than using a purchased curriculum, your child learns from life experiences and from pursuing interests and projects at home and in your community. The best resource for this approach is the world! We read the Teenage Liberation Handbook and got a ton of ideas. This approach is the least expensive, in fact, most often it's free!

3. Make Your Own - This approach can be a combination of the two above. That is what we did. If you live in our state, be sure to read more about Wisconsin Homeschooling. If you're not from Wisconsin, be sure to check the laws of your state before starting. The HSLDA Website is very helpful.

Below is a sampling of what we used. The prices listed are for one year. Most are available through the Sonlight catalog.

This is really a personal preference. Sonlight has a number of different math programs to choose from. You may find these math reviews helpful.

We liked Math-U-See. The student text is $30. The teacher text with DVD sells for $55.

Reading/Writing/Social Studies
Sonlight Catalog suggests some great literature that you can get from your library. And the price is right! =)

We also used Learning Language Arts Through Literature. We purchased this program through CBD. They discount the books at $16-22.

We found the Apologia curriculum to be the best. Texts run approximately $45 through CBD. You'll want to get the CD with it. That only adds another $12 to the cost.

Extra Stuff
We purchased our extra stuff through CBD, Sonlight, or Amazon. Prices vary, but most books fell in the $10-30 range.

Earlier Grades?
Here are a few suggestions for the younger grades.

As you can see, cost really depends on what you and your family choose to do. As you Start Homeschooling, begin slowly and enjoy your family time together.

Great question...thanks for asking!

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