Children with Anxiety
by Stacy M.
Does anyone have any suggestions for the debate of homeschooling versus public school for children with anxiety? I am a single mother, but I work from home, so I am confident I could homeschool. My 6-year-old is suffering from anxiety and occasional panic attacks. She seems to fear social situations with too many kids (i.e. cafeteria) or getting lost (i.e. at recess, finding bathroom).
Teacher flat told us no about "extra support" for her, like having an older child walk her to cafeteria or bathroom. She is seeing a therapist for her anxiety.
My dilemma is, would I be helping or hurting her by homeschooling. I've read the advantages/disadvantages of homeschooling pages. I guess I'm wondering if anyone has history of anxiety in their kids and whether they found homeschooling helpful? My feeling is she needs more time and maybe sports or field trips would be better, less scary socialization.
Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated! Thank you!
Diane's Reply to Children with Anxiety:
I have no experience in this arena, so I am posting it with the hope that someone with experience will share. Because each child is different, you and your therapist would know what is best for your daughter. But suggestions are certainly welcome! Anyone?