Cheap Home Improvements

Practical Money Saving Tips

For Your Homeschool

Save money with these cheap home improvements ideas.
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cheap home improvements

Get out your how to books because that is the cheapest way to make home improvements.

I have gotten quotes from businesses, but when we do it ourselves, it ends up costing about a quarter of the price they quoted!

You can also have your children “help” and they get a great learning experience out of it.

Daughter, Riley, helping Dad!

But, make sure you know what you're doing and you have time for a large project. Even if you think it's going to be something small. Make time for the just in cases.

Recently we wanted to replace the carpet in one of our bedrooms. Well it, was very white and very fluffy carpet. As we were pulling it up, we noticed there was blue carpet under that. When we started ripping up the blue carpet, there was tile under that. Finally after the tile, there was wood flooring. A whole lot more work then we expected! But, a whole lot cheaper because we did it ourselves. Just make sure to be prepared for the unexpected.


I am all for shopping at stores during sales. A lot of people might not know this about furniture stores, even if it's on sale you can negotiate the price. I got a couch, a love seat, two end tables, a coffee table, two lamps, and a blanket. We were able to talk a third of the price down and they threw the blanket in free. (It was $150.00 dollar throw blanket!) Don't be afraid to negotiate. Remember it's your money that your're spending. Stick within a budget. If they don't want to go down as much as you do, find somewhere that will.

You can also buy furniture used, for decent prices, actually. Just make sure to shop around. You'll want to make sure that it's in good condition. Even if you buy it used you can negotiate.

Another good place to go is home auctions where you bid on your furniture. You can get great deals at auctions. Just make sure you set a limit when going to auctions. It's easy to want to out bid someone just to win.

Your homeschool friend,

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