Art and Music

by Lilly

How did you teach your kids about art and music? Are there any good books out there explaining art or music? I remember when I was a kid we would learn about Pablo Picasso and his blue period and then we would create a project like his. I don't know how to read music notes, but I remember getting taught music notes. Are there any good music books out there? When I was in kindergarten I remember my music teacher would have us sit around in a circle and play beats on a drum for words. For example: my name is Lilly...5 beats! I don't remember what that was called but I want to teach my children stuff like that.

Diane's Reply to Art and Music:

We used the Sonlight catalog a lot. Order one, I believe they're free. The catalog alone has many ideas and suggestions for homeschooling including how to teach art and music.

We used Draw Today and The Drawing Textbook that you'll find in Sonlight's catalog. Of course, there's more to art than just drawing! You could do a study of European art opening up a whole aspect of the Renaissance period. You may also ask around to see if anyone in your area would be willing to teach art or music. You never know who may be out there WANTING to teach something just because. (We have someone in our town who retired from the military who is teaching German because he doesn't want to forget the language.)

I play the flute, so I was able to teach them a little music. We started them out listening to Lawrence Welk and singing in the evenings using an old music book discarded from the public school system, of all things! Early on, we purchased a simple harp that's flat, allowing the sheet music to fit just beneath the strings showing you exactly how to play. It's called The Music Maker and when they were little, they loved it. We graduated to an electric keyboard/piano and my son is teaching himself how to play. My children may not be the next Bach, but they do know how to play the flute, guitar, harmonica, piano and mandolin. There are some great biographies out there for the children to learn about the different composers, too. We also have a set of classical CD's that I believe prompted their appreciation for music.

Kids learn so much outside of the textbook. Visit a museum or attend a concert. Keep that in mind as you teach art and music and you'll all enjoy it!

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