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, Homeschool Rewards Zone, Issue #020 January 11, 2011 |
Homeschool Rewards Zone brings you the latest additions to one family's rewarding experiences of homeschooling simply.
1) Book Nook There is a new way to earn a college degree, it's called Accelerated Distance Learning. Your child can actually complete college in less than half the time and for less than half the cost. The author, Brad Voeller, earned his four-year, fully accredited college degree in less than six months, for less than $5,000! We are in the middle of reading his book right now and are amazed at what can be accomplished if you just put your mind to it! Do you have a favorite home school book? If you do, let us all know!
2) Brain Teaser A senator shook hands with each of six representatives, and the representatives shook hands with one another. How many handshakes were there? (Answer at bottom.) 3) Helpful Homeschool Hints Have your children join a club! We really enjoyed 4-H. It helps you to give a satisfying answer to that all-imposing question...What about socialization? Not only that, but the children learned to make some wonderful crafts, give a speech, lead a group, teach other 4-Hers, etc. Check out this 4-H-Information to give you a few examples of what the children did while in 4-H.
4) New Pages Added
5) Terrific Contributions From Visitors Like You! Every month we will share the best visitors' pages submitted the month before. We appreciate everyone's input, but there are some that really shine. My family votes on the best of the best. Here are this month's top picks (in no particular order):
Homeschool Q & A Proof of Work - Nancy from Indiana wondered just how much record keeping was necessary. Abeka Questions Considering Abeka Again - Carla from Texas is concerned about switching back to Abeka and has some great questions for Jamie. Visitors' Book Suggestions! The Last Thing I Remember & The Write Stuff Adventure - Susan from Wisconsin shared both of these books with us. The first one is a cliff-hanging suspense novel and the last one is a great writing resource. Thanks for these great suggestions!
6) # Visitors in December We thought it would be kinda fun to let you know just how many of you are visiting the site each month. Last month finished out with 4,930 new visitors! Welcome! 7)Upcoming Events! Is there something you'd like me to share? Get it to me by the end of the month.
Until next month, may you experience many homeschool rewards, Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward." (If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting...
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Answer to Brain Teaser There were 21 handshakes. |
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