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, Homeschool Rewards Zone, Issue #017
October 08, 2010

Sharing Life's Simple Rewards of Homeschooling

Homeschool Rewards Zone brings you the latest additions to one family's rewarding experiences of homeschooling simply.

Issue #017 ~October 2010~

1) Book Nook

Draw-Write-Now is a book that the children really liked. Book One is geared toward the younger grades. They'll learn how to draw simple cats, dogs, a number of farm animals, and even people. They were always making a number of things with their new found skills, including birthday cards!

Do you have a favorite home school book? If you do, let us all know!

2) Brain Teaser

Mr. Jones was watching the clock, trying to figure out the number of times the hands of a clock cross each other over a period of one day (24 hours).

(Answer at bottom.)

3) Helpful Homeschool Hints

Take time before bed to read to your children. When ours were young, Dad usually read to the older ones when I was busy with the baby! It gave him a chance to spend some quality time with them and they loved it!

4) New Pages Added
Our latest addition you'll find near the middle of our Homeschool Rewards Home Page. If you have Facebook, and enjoy the website, I would love to keep in touch with you through Facebook, too! Just click the "Like" button to keep in touch on Facebook.

Wassup? - We have not added anything to this page, but I can share "wassup"! I promised to keep you updated on German class at the public high school. Annette and Garrett's class is planning to visit the grade school and teach them a word or two. Should be fun.

5) Terrific Contributions From Visitors Like You!

Every month we will share the best visitors' pages submitted the month before. We appreciate everyone's input, but there are some that really shine. My family votes on the best of the best. Here are this month's top picks (in no particular order):

New Page Added

Homeschool Q & A
I'm Having Anxiety! - Kristi just started homeschooling her 10th grade daughter and is feeling a little overwhelmed. I gave her a few suggestions. Do you have any for her?

How to Keep track of Grades? - Heather is wondering how to keep records and wondered how to get a diploma. How do YOU keep records?

Homeschool Pros & Cons
I Homeschool Because... - Maurrean has a nice list going here, care to add to it? How about From Another Country?

Homeschooling vs Public Schools
Social Behavior - Billie gets asked about this all the time, read how she answers that one!

6) # Visitors in September

We thought it would be kinda fun to let you know just how many of you are visiting the site each month. Last month finished out with 5,766 new visitors! Welcome!

7)Upcoming Events!

Is there something you'd like me to share? Get it to me by the end of the month.

Until next month, may you experience many homeschool rewards,
Homeschool Rewards Home Page

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Answer to Brain Teaser

23 times. Examples are 1:06, 2:11, 3:16, 4:21, 5:26, etc.

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