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, PSAT Did Not Go As Planned...Homeschool Rewards Zone, Issue #005 November 06, 2009 |
Homeschool Rewards Zone brings you the latest additions to one family's rewarding experiences of homeschooling simply.
Annette's PSAT Exam was rather disappointing... 1) Brain Teaser Can you arrange for Jane to stand behind Lee and for Lee to stand behind Jane at the same time? (Answer at bottom.) 2) Readers' Tips 1. Have your teen read Shakespeare aloud to YOU! Someone suggested we read aloud one of his comedies, so we chose Twelfth Night. I started reading it, but was not able to "get into it" and was about to throw in the towel when Annette came to the rescue. Thankfully we had The Pelican Shakespeare version complete with footnotes or I would have been completely lost: VIOLA My matter hath no voice, lady, but to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear. Is TRANSLATED: My matter can be told to no one, lady, but to your own most receptive and willing ear. Annette loves Shakespeare and encouraged us to not give up. In the end, Garrett and I were glad we let her continue reading. It was an amazing play. Get a spoonful of patience and check it out! 2. Play Dough -- Someone also mentioned that they have tried substituting 1 teaspoon of baking powder and one teaspoon of baking soda for the 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and it worked fine. Anyone else tried it? Here's the recipe:
3) New Pages Added Annette and I are still busy putting together an e-book. We're getting closer. Start thinking about where you'd like to take a Field Trip!
4) Terrific Contributions From Visitors Like You! Every month we will share the best visitors' pages submitted the month before. We appreciate everyone's input, but there are some that really shine. My family votes on the best of the best. Here are this month's top picks (in no particular order): Games
Books Field Trips
5) # Visitors in October We thought it would be kinda fun to let you know just how many of you are visiting the site each month. Last month finished out with 2,707 new visitors! Welcome!
Until next month, may you experience many homeschool rewards, Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward." (If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting...
Homeschool Rewards Zone - Newsletter sign-up page.)
Answer to Brain Teaser Yes. If they stand back to back! |
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